Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer School Plan

This summer I will pass summer school by having my housemate Aqua help me. I will be here for her when she needs help as well. I have never had to go to summer school so I think it's going to be sort of difficult for me but I'm going to try. I need to turn in all of my work on time, and try my hardest to stay on task. It is hard for me to wake up early and function but I can try.


  1. That is nice start but it too short. It needs to be atlest 100 words.

  2. I like your post its good but its needs to be longer

  3. I experienced something similar to this. I aslo have someone to help me when i need it.
    You post reminds me of one of my friends because she never had summer school either and she hated it. Your post is unique because your really going to put effert to summer school and most kids dont care.

  4. Sounds great, just depend on yourself instead of others
