Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Romeo and Juliet – True or Forbidden Love
Romeo and Juliet – Arranged Marriages at SPA
If Tia Moore had permission to decide who I married, i would probably leave. Marriage is a big deal, and you can't just marry someone you don't like. I personally don't even want to ever get married. So it's not really fair for the people that don't plan on getting married to have to be married to someone they don't even know. Having to spend your life with someone you bairly even know would be terrible.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Conflict in Verona and San Diego
Ms. Priester, I don't know what conflicts happened in Verona, because i was not in class on tuesday, the 24th.
Romeo and Juliet – Love at First Sight
When people fall in love at first sight, alot of times it doesn't end well. With Romeo and Juliette, it's bad because they don't know their parents and family. I wasn't here to watch the movie because I had an appointed, so I'm not exactly sure what the details are, but I know that it doesn't go very well.
Monday, May 23, 2011
SPA Prom 2011
This year, prom was at Hotel Del Coronado. They say Hotel Del is haunted, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Girls and boys went on seperate busses while we drove to and from prom. The scariest part of the night to me was driving over the Coronado bridge. Its so high that at one point theres a suicide hotline. When we got there, we went to the beach to take pictures, and then we went into the hotel. When we went in, we ate dinner and then danced for the rest of it. There was also a photo booth, and alot of awards. Over all, the night was pretty fun.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Shakespeare Introduction Paragraph
Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers of all time during the 1600's. He had written over 50 plays and over 140 sonnets. Shakespeare married at age 18 to Anne Hathaway and moved to London. Shakespear lived a long life and died of old age.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Romeo & Juliet Before Paragraph
Romeo and Juliet is a legendary play full of love, excitement, tragedy and intensity. It is a play about a boy and a girl having to cope with their parents not wanting them to be together, but when the heart is so strong, and all they have is each other, nothing can keep them apart. Shakespeare is all about emotion and compassion. I've seen the movie and the play.
1. How do they die?
2. Why do their parents not want them to be together?
3. How many versions are there?
1. How do they die?
2. Why do their parents not want them to be together?
3. How many versions are there?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Warning! First Draft
STD’s affect teens by causing potential viral infections that will last forever, or by leading to a social stigma that makes teenagers anxious and fearful of social contact. Many people think that STD’s only affect people Physically, but they have a great emotional affect as well. Not many people know this because it is hard for teens to talk about. STD’s have many affects on young adults.
Ten percent of Americans are teenagers and less than half of them have had sexual intercourse. But the teens and young adults who have had sex get 50 percent of newly diagnosed STD’s each year. Young people are especially at risk for many sexually transmitted diseases. Teenagers account for three million cases of STDs annually. One out of every four sexually active teenagers acquires a new STD each year. One quarter of new infections of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) are found in people under 22. Young women are at greater risk than older women for reproductive and health complications caused by STDs. This shows that it isn’t only adults engaging in sexual activity, it’s teenagers too.
Most people agree that abstinence is the most effective way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and that people should be made aware that certain activities Including sex at an early age and sex with multiple partners greatly increase the risks of contracting STDs. But many sex education authorities, such as Debra W. Haffner of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S., contend that abstinence should not be the sole emphasis of STD prevention and sex education programs. Americans should acknowledge that many teenagers are engaging in sexual activity, Haffner and others maintain. Studies have found that the average age of first intercourse in the United States is sixteen and that two-thirds of America’s high school seniors are sexually experienced prior to graduation. Haffner argues that, given the reality that many teenagers reject the option of abstinence, young people should be given comprehensive sexuality information “about their bodies, gender roles, sexual abuse, pregnancy, and STD prevention,” including the proper use of condoms to prevent diseases. She asserts that “fearbased, abstinence-only programs” that “discuss contraception only in negative terms” threaten to reverse “the significant strides American youth have made during the last two decades to delay sexual activity or else protect themselves.” Abstinence isn’t doing what everybody thinks it is.
Sexually transmitted diseases have become a serious health problem in the United The Institute of Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, asserts that STDs are prevalent and constitute a “hidden epidemic” because of the reluctance of Americans to “address sexual health issues in an open way.” With twelve million new cases a year, America has one of the highest rates of STD infection in the industrialized world.
closing sentence -STDs (including AIDS) cost the United States an estimated $17 billion in health care costs each year.STD’s have many affects on young adults. As you can see, many examples have been stated in this essay. STDs are affecting so many young adults and people should make talking about it more open and okay.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Common and Proper Nouns Tourist Paragraph.
People travel because they want to see their families and friends, and learn more about the world. People also travel for work or just vacations. Another reason people travel because they want to learn others cultures and ethnicities. A city tourist like to travel to is Vegas, because of the casinos, the music and the fun people. People alos like to go to Europe because of the food, and because it's so beautiful. Alot of people like to travel Hawaii because its tropical, it has beautiful weather, people like to go surfing and the clear waters. One thing they all have in common is that there all beautiful.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
San Diego County Third-Person Paragraph
When poeple go to the beach, they usually go with a group of friends or their family. Many people bring big umbrellas, beach towels, snacks, and alot of people BBQ. When they first get there, they set up with umbrellas and coolers, and make sure sand won't get in their stuff, and then they hit the water. after swimming and having fun in the water for a while, they dry off, and go back to the spot they set up at because many people drift away with the current unknowingly. Then they all socialize and have a good time eating. After that, poeple may go back in the water or build sand castles, or just hang out and tan. thats what a normal day at the beach looks like.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Comment Seeking Post
My free blog spot is on faith. Its a different, and out of the ordinary topic but it interests me.They say having faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing necessary to get you to heaven, so what does having faith mean? If it means believing that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world, then all Christians believe that, but it seems like not all christians end up in heaven and for what reason? It's really basic, but what if you lose faith? You're "born again" when you first believe, but if you lose faith, then do you have to be born a third time? What if a person believes that Jesus died for their sins, then lives a life of crime, asks for forgivness and is all good? He would go to heaven, according to some people, while a man who cares for others his whole life, but has never heard of Jesus dies and goes to hell.
President Obamas Big Announcement
In all honesty, I did not read or watch any articals about Osama Bin Ladens death. I know that it was sort of like a gun fight, and that he was burried within 24 hours of his death. I think that there is going to be a war between the countries, and even though the battle is over to capture and kill him, it's still not going to be over.
Monday, May 2, 2011
posters in the hall
Last week we put up inspirational quotes in the hallway and they happened to be all from caucasion males. i don't fell like it's a big deal, only because i don't think people purposely did it. It was coinsidental and I don't feel it was racial.
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